Saturday, August 2, 2008

Our newist additions to our family

Our family started with Jason, me, Daniel and a member of the family I don't talk much about......Zelda, our dog. I got her when I lived in Texas in 2003. She looks like this.

She is a really good dog. She doesn't do much. She is quiet. She keeps to herself. She likes to be pet. That is about it.

On Monday, we found these little guys on our doorstep....literally. They were very matted and dirty and had many, many woodticks on them. I took them the a groomer.
I had to keep see, they are Shih Tzu's, my mom and dad used to raise Shih Tzu's and we kept them as pets for many years. Our little boy has fallen head over heels for the little one....he named him Gizmo. The older one is called Sparkey. Sparkey came to us potty trained....Gizmo needs work....but he is probably only about six months old.
They are cute! Zelda loves them too!


Robin said...

Welcome to the three dog club! It's crazy let me tell you. And right now I have 8 puppies. 8. That's seriously crazy!

They are sure cute!

Anonymous said...

They sure are some cute poochies! I wish wish wish I could take her.......

Andrea said...

How fun! Can I just say, Jayson loves your dog Zelda's name. It's his favorite video game.