Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year!

I have never been one to "celebrate" New Year's. I am usually found at home, in bed....long before midnight. My big celebration is Christmas! All of the presents, all of the food....its all soooo good. By the time New Years gets here, I am burned out. I want it all back to normal.

I must confess. I do reflect on events of the past year.

I quit smoking 11 months ago. I feel great. Now, I will work on the weight. I want my feet and my knees to not hurt anymore.

My son is another year older. He has grown so much. He is changing all of the time. He loves to read books, play with toys, have mommy or daddy chase him, have his picture taken, play in the snow, help with laundry and help with cooking. He is able to potty on the toilet with no help. He is growing up. He won't give "kissies" anymore. When you ask for one, he gives you his cheek!

Jason has found his artistic outlet in taxidermy. He does amazing mounts for himself and for others. One of my favorite things to do is to watch him at work, while I am on my computer. From where I sit, I can see into his studio. Its fun to watch him do something he enjoys so much. Its something that he has found that he really enjoys. He of course also busies himself with hunting, fishing and anything outdoors. He has become very passionate about bow hunting. He loves the challenge.

We have finished a great deal of our downstairs. The house we bought was unfinished in the downstairs. We put down carpet, bought new doors, drywalled, textured, painted, and have almost finished our bathroom. Upstairs, we pulled out our carpet and replaced the flooring with laminate. It looks great!

My Christmas trees are down, everything is put away, the funiture is rearranged. I am ready for the new year. I can't wait to see what it brings.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

So I saw a picture of Daniel the other day and Grandma's and asked her who it was! I cannot believe how big he has gotten! He is such a doll and I just loved his little onery look in his eye! Bet he keeps you on your toes!