Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree!!!

Christmas season is here...since I have been married I am loving each Christmas more and more. I have a new love.....baking. I love it! I bought my first cookie press and made Spritz cookies for two days! I still want to make more....but my freezer is full! Daniel, my son, loves to help. Its a way that he and I can really spend some good time. I get everything ready, he stands on his chair and adds the ingredients as I tell him too.

I made an Italian Creme cake....not Christmasy but never the less....my favorite kind of cake.

It was good....but I know that there must be a better recipie out there.

I forgot to take a picture before we ate it, and then Daniel rubbed his fingers in the frosting....but it looked pretty.

Then we set up out Christmas tree down stairs....so far, Daniel is leaving it alone.

Then Jason decided that we should have another Christmas tree upstairs....so he went and bought one. I loved the idea....it was what I had already thought I would do.
Then I had to go buy more decorations....shucks!
I guess that is all I have for you today. I have to get supper on the table.


Mindy said...

Hey Lisa, your pictures are great! Daniel looks so grown up, not like a baby anymore! I have to say, Im pretty impressed at your baking abilities! You do me proud:) Love you, Mindy

Robin said...

I love Christmas too! Your two trees are a great idea! I have two this year also.
I have an Italian Cream Cake recipe I make every year. It's really good. I'll have to send you the recipe sometime!
Did you read on my blog about the cookie exchange - too bad you couldn't have been here - it would have been perfect!