Friday, November 14, 2008

The Hunt is over already

My husband and I go hunting every fall in eastern North Dakota. He began hunting long before I did, as a matter of fact, he is the one who has taught me (or teaching me rather) how to hunt. I love what we do. We go to a beautiful location....that can never be disclosed because of the Hunter's Code of Ethics, and we just sit there and soak in the beauty around us. Its a great way to clear the mind and just enjoy the moment.

Last night, we watch a little brown mink run across a frozen creek and dive into and under the ice. We watched the little air bubbles come up under the ice to show us the progress he had made. The little mink would come near us and bare his little teeth, just to keep us in line so we wouldn't try any funny stuff. :) It was fun.

Then about 15 minutes before our hunt would have to end, a buck peeked his head up from the grass and stared at us. Its always like that. Right when we are about to pack it in, the action gets going. My husband got it all on tape. We have watched it about 5 or more times now. We laugh at ourselves and at each other. Its fun. He wasn't the biggest one around....but I am grateful anyways. :) No, I am not just like Sarah Palin, I haven't field dressed one yet, my husband does that for me.

I have many posts to catch up on....I will do my best to do as many as I can.

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