Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy Easter! Happy Birthday

We had a fun Easter at our house. Daniel, Grandma Bakke and I went to sunrise service at church. It was a good service! I have found a church I really enjoy. I get so excited about it! In a way its odd because its a Free Lutheran Church. Nothing against the Lutheran church, its just different than what I was used to. But the Free Lutheran Church is like a bridge between the Nazarene and the Lutheran. I really enjoy it and really like the pastors way of thought. Which is also suprising, he is very conservative. :) Daniel got up extra early and was suprised and delighted by his Easter basket that the Easter bunny left him. The night before, he wouldn't go to sleep so I told him that if he would just fall asleep, the Easter bunny would come into our house at night time and leave him candy. Daniel then said, "oooo, I cared" (it means, I am scared.) That made me laugh pretty good.

To join us for Easter and the "hunt' was his cousin Trace from Minneapolis, Uncle Vance and Aunt Kelly. Daniel loved to play with Trace.

The following week was Daniel's THIRD birthday! Wow, time is going to fast! He had a fun and very special birthday. He shares his birthday with two of his cousins, Jesse and Billy. Well, Billy came to our house to celebrate his tenth birthday all the way from Spokane! Along with Billy came Aunt Lisa, cousins Amanda, Sayde and Morgan. Great Grandma and Grandpa came over too! Daniel has taken a special liking to Morgan. Yesterday, we were on our way to Grandma's house and Daniel said "Is Morgan there?" I laughed. That is the most complex sentence Daniel has said yet! Here are some pictures:

Daniels favorite cartoon is Mickey Mouse. So, I found a Mickey Mouse cake. He LOVES cake. He LOVES Mickey Mouse.....He had a good day. He got a Tonka Dump truck, a John Deer Tractor and finger paints. Wish you all could have been there.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Oh, I wish we could have been there too! Wow - Daniel scored with his Easter basket - mine were never that big!

I'm glad you found a church you love.