Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

I had a lot of fun on Friday night with my little guy.

We made our Valentine's cards for daycare and preschool friends. They were just plain, ordinary, $2.99 a box cards....but what fun!

We attached the little 3D sticker,, Daniel folded them in half and put the little heart sticker on it to hold it shut, Mommy wrote the names, and Daniel signed them all and taped a lollipop to each friends card.

Do you see that tongue sticking out? That means he is not only enjoying himself, but really, really concentrating and focusing hard. :) What a cutie! He addressed and signed every single card. He had a great time!

So did I! As you can see by the calendar on his door, we have a lot of things coming up that will be fun for all!

Take care and hope to see you later!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ice Fishing

When I first met my husband, I thought....hmmmm, I don't know about all of this outdoorsy stuff. He hunts, fishes, ice fishes. Our first year of marriage was like this. End of August, honeymoon. September, goose season. October, goose season....maybe dove and quail season and bow hunting season begins. November, deer season. I thought once I hit that I would be in the clear. No sir. Bow season continues. January, February and March....Ice fishing season. April, again I thought I would be in the, spring goose season. Its a vicious year round thing.

Anyone who knows me well, knows of my disdain for aquatic life.....all aquatic life. I have an intense fear of fish. Its the reason I will not swim in a dam, a lake or a river. But, my husband got me to go ice fishing with him. I loved it. Its so quiet and serene and peaceful. Its good time to just let your mind free for awhile. I don't have to think about anything in particular. I am not thinking about what I didn't buy at the store, I am not thinking about if I have enough frappuccino base to get me to Tuesday, I am just watching a bobber and waiting for it to bounce and anything that wants to enter my mind will at its own pace.

We took our son for a little outing today to start to introduce him to the sport.

For those of you that aren't sure what this is the view. This is on the ice. People pull little ice houses onto the dam or can drive on it, the ice is over 2 1/2 feet thick.

Once you find a spot you auger the ice. Here is my husband doing just that. You can see how thick the ice is.

Our little guy doesn't like the sound of the auger. We didn't stay too long. We got cold. But here he is ice fishing.

It was really nice today...about 20 degrees. But the wind made it tough, as it always does. Our guy liked to scoop the ice out of the hole and be helpful.

We had a nice time. Sorry you couldn't be there with us. Maybe next time!