Well.....I sent my little boy to his first day of preschool this morning. Yesterday, for the first time in my life I went school shopping for someone other than me. We had to get him a backpack.....he picked out Spiderman. For some reason, he likes Spiderman. He has never seen the cartoon or the movies, but he knows he likes him.
We loaded it full of spare clothes, immunization reports, a check for his milk ticket, and two snacks for his first day.
When we pulled up to the outside of the school, Daniel was more interested in what was behind the school, the playground.....and the fact that it was loaded with kids. But I could see there was some curiosity towards what was in the doors too.
He looks so little next to the school. We found his classroom. It was my second grade classroom with Mrs. Kvamme. The smell of the school and everything else whipped me back to when I was a little girl starting school. I got a little choked up. (No tears though, not yet)
I know that he will have a lot of fun with preschool. It will help to prepare him for kindergarden. This will greatly help his social skills. I didn't cry until I was almost home.
Yesterday while preparing to get him ready for school, I had to run to the clinic to get a copy of his immunizations. He had to go potty. I went into a bathroom and he did his business. Someone else walked in and Daniel dropped to all fours immediatly. His head went under the stall and he yelled...."Look Mama, that grandmas going potty too!" I just started laughing and couldn't stop. I ran out of the bathroom with him, laughing the whole way. Its one of the great memories I will keep with me as he grows.
Just a sidenote, today is my fourth anniversary!